Global Evolution: I Have An Attribute Board - C.683 - : Lord Of Reincarnation! (2)Mar 03, 2024

Global Evolution: I Have An Attribute Board

C.683 - : Lord Of Reincarnation! (2)Mar 03, 2024

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Chapter 683: Lord Of Reincarnation! (2)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

ā€œYouā€™re right. The Reincarnation Mystic Realm is indeed extraordinary. To be precise, itā€™s very extraordinary.ā€ King Bei Cang said.

ā€œWhen I taught you the Killing Sword Art and other ultimate techniques, I also taught you many things about Universe Lords, Universe Nobility, Universe Overlords, and even Universe Saints.ā€

ā€œYou should know now that Universe Lords to Universe Saints actually cultivate nomological laws.ā€

Chu Zhou nodded and said, ā€œTeacher, youā€™ve already made it very clear in the inheritance you passed on to me.ā€

ā€œThe laws are above the rules. Or rather, every law can be broken down into several rules.ā€

ā€œVoid to World Overlord Martial Artists cultivate the rules. Universe Lords to Universe Saints cultivate the laws.ā€

ā€œHowever, the difficulty of comprehending laws is ten thousand times or even hundreds of thousands of times higherā€¦ Therefore, itā€™s very difficult to comprehend laws.ā€

ā€œItā€™s extremely difficult for a World Overlord to become a Universe Lord.ā€

He suddenly paused and vaguely guessed something as he spoke. A glint flashed in his eyes. ā€œTeacher, could it be that the Reincarnation Secret Realm is related to the legendary Law of Reincarnation?ā€

ā€œLooks like you guessed it!ā€ King Bei Cang smiled. ā€œThe Reincarnation Mystic Realm is indeed related to the Law of Reincarnation.ā€

He sighed with emotion as he spoke.

ā€œThe Law of Reincarnation is one of the most mysterious Laws among the many Laws. Itā€™s even more mysterious than the Law of Space and Time.ā€

ā€œEveryone knows how powerful the Law of Reincarnation is. Once you master the Law of Reincarnation, you can control reincarnation and reverse life and death.ā€

ā€œFor countless eras, there have been countless heroes among the myriad races in the universe who have come one after another to comprehend the Law of Reincarnationā€¦ā€

ā€œā€¦All but one of them failed.ā€

ā€œ99% of people havenā€™t even crossed the threshold of the Law of Transmigration. A very small number of people have only touched the surface of the Law of Reincarnation and died of depression.ā€

When Chu Zhou heard that after mastering the Law of Samsara, he could control reincarnation and reverse life and death, he could not help but be fascinated.

Such a law was too heaven-defying.

Other than that, he also noticed the words ā€˜all but oneā€™.

ā€œTeacher, in your words, thereā€™s another personā€¦ Could it be that someone has cultivated the Law of Reincarnation?ā€

King Bei Cang revealed a rare look of admiration. He nodded heavily and said,

ā€œIndeed, one person succeededā€¦ Moreover, this person is a human.ā€

There was actually someone who had grasped the Law of Reincarnation?

Chu Zhouā€™s heart trembled as he asked, ā€œWho is he?ā€

ā€œNo one knows his real name. We can only confirm that heā€™s indeed from the human race.ā€

ā€œWe all call him ā€˜Lord Of Reincarnationā€.

ā€œā€¦Itā€™s said that the Lord Of Reincarnation was born on a very ordinary aboriginal planet. His bloodline and talent were also very ordinary, and he was not qualified at all. However, he relied on his heaven-defying comprehension ability to cultivate all the way to the World Overlord Realm. In the end, he comprehended the Law of Reincarnation inconceivably at the peak of the World Overlord Realm and successfully advanced to the Venerable realm.ā€

ā€œAfter advancing to a Universe Lord, the Lord Of Reincarnation became even more unstoppable. In an extremely short period of time, he advanced to a Universe Nobility, then to a Universe Overlord, and finally became one of the experts standing at the top of the myriad races in the universe.ā€

At this point, King Bei Cang mocked himself.

ā€œI pride myself on being talented and have been called the number one Universe Nobility of Humanity by countless peopleā€¦ However, compared to the Lord Of Reincarnation, Iā€™m nothing. Not worth mentioning.ā€

ā€œTeacher is too humble. Even the myriad races in the universe acknowledge you as the number one Universe Nobility humanity. How can you say that youā€™re not worth mentioning?ā€ Chu Zhou retorted.

However, when he heard about the growth experience of the Lord Of Reincarnation, he secretly clicked his tongue. freewebn

He seriously suspected that Lord Of Reincarnation was cheating.

Otherwise, how could he have cultivated from a creature with an inferior bloodline to a peak overlord at an extremely smooth and extremely fast speed?

This was even more exaggerated than the protagonist of a novel!

King Bei Cang continued.

ā€œThe power of the Law of Reincarnation is too terrifying. It attracts countless heroes to cultivate and is also feared by countless people.ā€

ā€œAfter mastering the Law of Reincarnation, the Lord Of Reincarnation naturally became the target of many Universe Overlords and even Universe Saints.ā€ š™›š’“š“®š“®š’˜š“®š™—š’š“øš“暝“®š’.š“¬š™¤š™¢

ā€œMany people want to indirectly control the Law of Reincarnation through Crowd Control, Lord Of Reincarnation.ā€

ā€œThere are also people who want to get rid of Lord Of Reincarnation.ā€

ā€œIn short, many powerful existences in the universe have attacked the Lord Of Reincarnation. Even the Saints of our Human Race canā€™t stop them.ā€

When Chu Zhou heard this, he couldnā€™t help but secretly wipe his cold sweat for Lord Of Reincarnation.

With so many Universe Overlords and even Universe Saints taking actionā€¦ He could not imagine how the Lord Of Reincarnation had survived.

ā€œAre you thinking about how Lord Of Reincarnation can survive in the face of so many terrifying existences?ā€

King Bei Cang seemed to have guessed Chu Zhouā€™s thoughts and asked with a smile.

Chu Zhou nodded.

ā€œā€¦ The Lord Of Reincarnation has reincarnated!ā€ King Bei Cang exclaimed. ā€œIn the face of the siege of many Universe Overlords and Universe Saints of the myriad races, Lord Of Reincarnation relied on the profundity of the Law of Reincarnation to kill his way outā€¦ Then, he activated the Law of Reincarnation with all his might in front of many experts and directly reincarnated!ā€

ā€œHeā€¦ he reincarnated directly?ā€ Chu Zhou was shocked.

ā€œYes! He has successfully reincarnated!ā€ King Bei Cang said with emotion. ā€œAnd this is not the endā€¦ It is the beginning of his legendary life.ā€

ā€œHowever, if you want to know more about him, investigate it yourself. Only then can you really understand him. Thereā€™s no point in me saying it directly.ā€ ā€œIā€™ll investigate!ā€ Chu Zhou was also extremely curious about the Lord Of Reincarnation. He decided to understand such a legendary figure in the future.

ā€œAlright! Letā€™s return to the Reincarnation Mystic Realm. The Reincarnation Mystic Realm is the place where Lord Of Reincarnation cultivated before the reincarnation. Not only are there many treasures collected by Lord Of Reincarnation, but thereā€™s also some power of the Law of Reincarnationā€¦ Of course, there are also many dangers inside.ā€

ā€œIn short, this is a very good training place for World Overlords like you. If youā€™re lucky, you can even obtain some treasures and gains that even Universe Nobility are jealous of.ā€

ā€œTherefore, every time the Reincarnation Mystic Realm opens, itā€™s a grand event.ā€

ā€œEvery time the Reincarnation Mystic Realm opens, the five humongous factions of the human race, many God Races, and some top factions will send prodigies to enter to train.ā€

ā€œYou should be prepared too!ā€ King Bei Cang said.

When Chu Zhou heard this, his thoughts had already flown to the Reincarnation Mystic Realm. He had a trace of delusion in his heart. Could he comprehend the profundity of the Law of Reincarnation through the remaining power of the Law of Reincarnation in the Reincarnation Mystic Realm?

He only needed to comprehend some profundities and the rest could be handed to the Attribute Board..

