MTL - As Superman’s Younger Brother, I Became a Native of the Motherland - C.240Mar 08, 2023


After defeating Fiora, Rika's super speed burst, moved behind General Zod, and twisted the opponent's right arm.


Zord, who gritted his teeth tightly and had a painful expression on his face, closed his eyes and let out the roar of a wounded lion-like beast.

The power under the anger has all turned into an unstoppable powerful being bursting outward.

So much so that Eric couldn't break through the opponent's defense.

"You—how dare you betray your country and clan!"

The **** roar echoed in the spaceship.


With red eyes and blood and tears, General Zod let out a roar and threw it vigorously.

Clark and Rika were instantly thrown out by him.

And Eric continued to confront him!


Eric's eyes fired laser rays that instantly hit the opponent's face.

General Zod, who has a body of steel, endured the impact of Eric's heat vision, closed his eyes and slammed forward.

Try to knock Eric out.

The result was dodged by Eric!

Eric moved behind him, and the heat in his eyes continued to bombard, directly blasting the opponent out.

Although General Zod's body had been hit outside, Eric's hot eyes kept hitting him to the ground.

Seeing the deep pit in the ground that seemed to be bombarded by missiles, Eric retracted his gaze and walked to the bald scientist who hadn't reacted from the shock.

"Where is the main console of the ship?"

In the face of Eric's threat, the scientists without combat capability could only bring Eric and a few others to the main console.

Lying on the ground, Fiora was completely out of combat, staring at Rika with hatred.

He desperately wanted to stand up, but in the end he could only watch Rika walk to the main control room helplessly.

After entering the main control room, Eric inserted the key and immediately started to operate on the virtual panel.

Eric has already mastered the main modules of the spacecraft by fighting for the mastership of the spacecraft with the bald scientist in the "Secret Fortress".

Coupled with the Kryptonian Codex that Joel had instilled in his mind, he was very familiar with these things.


Seeing that Eric was operating the virtual panel, trying to turn off the world engine, Clark handed Eric the long black seal he had taken from his home.

"Joe El told me that this seal can be inserted into the spacecraft with the master key in your hand to stop the engine from running!"

Eric looked at the long seal in Clark's hand, froze for a moment, and turned to continue operating the panel.

"Plug into the master console on the other end!"

Eric said to Clark.

Clark did not suspect him, and immediately inserted the black "stamp" key into the hole on the console.


An invisible wave swayed around, the vibration generated by the operation of the engine in the spacecraft stopped, and the white light generated from the spacecraft gradually disappeared.

"Did you make it?"

Clark looked at Eric suspiciously.

Meanwhile, buildings near the Metropolitan Civic Center.

Batman threw out his hook gun, moved quickly to a wall that was about to collapse, and hugged the crying little girl under the wall.

"Boom", the wall collapsed, and Batman hugged the little girl who had left the collapsed wall.

"My mom is still inside!"

Instead of thanking Batman for being rescued, the little girl cried to Batman.

Holding the little girl, Batman didn't speak, just looked at the spaceship in the sky and gritted his teeth secretly.


Using the hook gun to avoid the falling stones from the building, Batman constantly dodged the collapsed buildings and the sundries falling from the sky through flexible postures.

Finally send the little girl to a safe place.

As he was about to rush to the building of Wayne Enterprises, he found that the giant white light beam shot down from the spacecraft had weakened.

The vibration frequency of the ground began to slow down, and the shaking of the building continued to weaken.

Looking up at the spaceship overhead, Batman's eyes flashed with solemnity.

This is

Has it stopped?

Inside the spaceship, after Eric turned off the world engine using the main console, he turned his head and walked outside.

The matter is far from over, the worst enemy is still there

"Rika, you control this spaceship!"

Eric took away all the two master keys. Even if he gave the control to the other party, Rika could not operate the main modules.


Rika, who had successfully completed the espionage mission, nodded towards Eric.

But after hesitating for a moment, he asked Eric, "What should I do if the U.S. military sends a plane over here?"

Eric turned around and said coldly, "Shoot them down! Don't let them get close to here. Now this spaceship is owned by me."

Hearing that Eric said he was going to shoot down the U.S. military plane, Clark froze for a moment, subconsciously trying to stop the other party.

But after seeing Eric's cold expression, he stopped trying to persuade the other party.

He knew he couldn't convince him no matter what.

In the pothole with a diameter of more than ten meters on the ground, General Zod opened his eyes and watched the light beam sent from the spacecraft to transform the earth disappeared, the world engine was turned off, the day in the entire sky gradually dissipated, and the heart was as thorough as the disappearing beam. Dead silence.

Chapter 269 Either you die or I die

When he opened his eyes, he saw the sky again illuminated by a dazzling light beam.

Immediately, a glimmer of hope rose in my heart!

Did the ship's world engine run again?

Stand up and look outside.

It is not that the world engine is running again, but the sky has turned brighter.

The first ray of sunlight in the morning came in, so that the whole world was illuminated by the sun.

In some dazzling sunlight, a figure blocked the sun and also blocked his sight.

Eric hung in the air, his black cloak rattled, staring at General Zod at the bottom of the pit.

Clark also slowly fell from the other side, hanging in mid-air.

Looking at Eric, who had ruined his whole life, General Zod crouched down and grabbed the ashes of the wreckage of the spaceship at his feet.

"Look! We could have rebuilt a home on this planet, but in the end you chose humans, not us. I exist to protect Krypton, that's my only purpose!"

General Zod's lips trembled slightly, and there was a trembling in his voice.

"Everything I do, no matter how cruel or how violent it seems to you, is for my people, for their best interests, but right now"

General Zod's body trembled, his blood-red eyes were filled with unquenchable anger, and he gritted his teeth tightly and said to Eric:

"I - lost all my people, lost all my hope! You - ripped my soul out of my body and took it forcibly!"

With his feet on the ground, General Zod jumped into the sky with a bang and hit Eric.

Eric stretched out his arm to block the opponent, but was still knocked back by the force beyond his expectations.

Clark saw Eric flying backwards, and before he could react, he was punched in the chest by General Zod, flew backwards with a bang, hit the ground heavily, and rolled along the ground.

"Since you choose to stand on the side of humans, then I will kill all the humans on this earth one by one, let humans live in pain, and let you live in pain!"


Eric adjusted his posture in the air and flew straight towards General Zod.

When the power was fully turned on, the muscles of the right arm bulged, gathered all the strength, aimed at General Zod's chest, and punched it.

General Zod was shot into the sky, making a roaring bang in the air.

Clark also got up from the ground at this time and launched his super speed to fly into the sky.

"Ah ah!"

Clark, who had blue veins on his forehead, punched General Zod's back.


The air exploded, and the strong pressure squeezed together instantly knocked General Zod down from the sky.

General Zod was directly punched from the air, smashed through the building, and penetrated several layers of reinforced concrete.

Wherever they passed, countless reinforced concrete, fitness equipment, greenery, desks and chairs, and water pipes were all twisted, cracked, and shattered by the aftermath, and finally landed on General Zod in the rubble.


The roar of breaking through the office building was as shocking as thunder, and the company employees who were hiding inside the office building let out a terrified scream.

The blood and the horrific sight made everyone run away like crazy.


General Zod, who was in the ruins, blasted away the reinforced concrete that was pressing on his body and stood in the office.

But then, a beam of crimson light hit him from the other side of the floor.

With the laser cutting, the destruction of the entire floor.

Bending down, General Zod, who was roaring, charged forward, avoided the laser, and rammed towards Eric in mid-air.

At this time, the floor that was cut by Eric's hot sight suffered such a huge impact and collapsed directly from the middle layer, with a loud noise like a mountain, and collapsed directly.

Huge dust spreads outward with a thunderous rumbling sound.

"My God!"

Watching the motherlanders in the sky demolish a building using heat vision, all the crowd nearby made incredible noises.

Frightened, shocked, and unbelievable expressions filled people's faces.

Looking at the three people in the air, all of them felt their insignificance and vulnerability.


Eric punched General Zod's chest, but General Zod's potential was fully stimulated at this time, and Eric could not be completely suppressed without turning into "Doomsday".

Although the opponent's speed and strength were slightly inferior to him, Eric was unable to solve it for the time being due to this desperate play.


General Zod's eyes glowed with heat, and a bang hit Eric.

He stretched out his arm to block General Zod's hot sight shot at him, and was hit by the opponent several hundred meters back in the air.

Clark let out a bang in the air, and with the sound of the rattling cloak, he used his heat vision to charge at Zod's back.


General Zod, who was sneak attacked from behind, was smashed to the ground heavily.

A police car was smashed to pieces before his body continued to slam into the rest of the cars.

