MTL - Basketball: Start with the Neuroknife - C.243 The first game of the new year, do you want to be so fierce!Mar 02, 2023

MTL - Basketball: Start with the Neuroknife

C.243 The first game of the new year, do you want to be so fierce!Mar 02, 2023

At the same time, the league announced the first week of the All-Star starting voting results.

Li Wan became the "vote king" in the first stage with 780,000 votes.

Howard, who opened the second place, has about 100,000 votes.

This data is really scary. You know, Howard was able to get 680,000 votes in the first round, not just because of his own popularity. Since Li Wan crushed him in the playoffs last season, the exposure of the Magic and Howard has obviously dropped from the top to the second.

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