MTL - Deviant Immortal of Uncanny Dao - C.880 Do not believeMar 05, 2023

MTL - Deviant Immortal of Uncanny Dao

C.880 Do not believeMar 05, 2023

Li Huowang didn't know the identity of this woman, but judging from the clothes on her body, she should have a high status among Gao Zhijian's women.

I saw the gold and silver phoenix embroidered clothes mainly in red and yellow, and the big peony flowers beside the sleeves, which were extremely colorful. The skirt has a gown, and the silver phoenix pattern is embroidered on the skirt board, which is extremely gorgeous.

The phoenix luan in the center of the Lingyun bun holds a bright pearl in its mouth, and the bundle of tassels under the bright pearl hangs down gently, reflecting a magnificent and charming foxy face.

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