MTL - Eternals of the Wizarding World - C.2 testMar 03, 2023


eternal life?

It sounds outrageous.

Throughout the ages, I don't know how many kings, and maybe even people in this world, have been tirelessly pursuing a longer life, and even made various means.

But in the end, Eli achieved his goal so easily.

"So..." A lot of thoughts flashed through Eli's mind.

Now that he has just crossed over, his understanding of this world is limited to the memory of the original body, but only those, he already knows that this world is completely different from before.

Whether it is social rules or social systems, for ordinary people, they are quite cruel. Knights are above ordinary people, and nobles are above most people.

The risk is not low at all.

If that's the case, then just follow the original trajectory and work in the library first, and try to master the extraordinary power while understanding the world.

This should be the safest solution.

"I don't want to be so stable, it's all forced by the environment!" he exclaimed.

"The decision has been made, to develop slowly in the library for decades, and then go out."

Eli took a deep breath and made an immediate decision.

Although the tentative development period is a bit longer, who made him an immortal!

Decades passed quickly.

Suddenly, a glare of sunlight shone into Eli's eyes.

Eli looked sideways, there was a shimmer of light outside the window, and the sun was already showing slightly.

Its daybreak.

Eli walked out of the house.

The dazzling sunlight made him cover his eyes, and it wasn't until a few seconds later that Eli regained his sight again.

Determined the direction, Eli walked towards the library in memory while observing the surrounding environment.

It seems to be a slum here, most of the buildings are just stone and wood, it looks very dilapidated and low, the road is also very bad, and often disgusting things can be seen.

The pedestrians on both sides were also wearing rough linen clothes, most of which were blue pupils and black pupils, which were the main pupil colors of the Byrne Empire, and most of their hair colors were brown, black and gold.

Eli was wearing coarse linen shorts and shoes without roots. The original body who escaped in a hurry had almost no property. Thanks to him, he also found a job as a librarian. Otherwise, even if Eli crossed over, he would not know the end. How to survive.

From a prosperous modern city to a backward world with extraordinary medieval background, I believe that few people can adapt quickly, even Eli, which is why he chooses to continue working.

Of course, there is another more important reason, and that is poverty.

Money is equally important in this world, it is the guarantee of survival.

Passing through the ghetto, Eli entered the city.

As soon as you enter the city, the scenery suddenly changes.

Whether it is a building or a pedestrian, there is a huge gap between it and the civilian area, and it can even be said to be two worlds.

Soon, Eli, who had crossed a few streets, reached his destination.

Look up.

In front of you is a tall building.

The pure white stone reflects the sun with a soft glow, the oval vaults are raised, and the outer walls are carefully carved with some beautiful sculptures that look majestic.

This is the Imperial Library.

Eli took a deep breath and entered through the small door on the side.

Going through a long corridor, Eli came to a small room and put on a small dark red vest similar to that of a waiter, and black trousers, which are the library's full-body clothing.

Out of the room, Eli walked towards the museum.

Enter the hall.

Eli raised his head, the topmost layer was a huge glazed glass. At this time, the weak sunlight poured in, reflecting various beautiful colors, and all around were depicting various epic pictures.

The bottom is divided into three layers, using a kind of wooden bookshelf that is very precious in the empire, and various books are placed on the bookshelf.

"This is the place to work in the future!"

Eli looked at the library, which was still closed at this time, and Eli needed to sort out the books first.

Little Eli had been trained before, so at this time Eli was familiar with it.

While sorting out the books, Eli was also thinking about the future.

Gou naturally still has to go.

But what to do, that's another question.

After all, this is an extraordinary world. Although he has the power of immortality, he does not have the power to protect immortality. Even a trainee knight or even a stronger ordinary person can easily kill him.

"So, I need a certain amount of strength." Eli put a book on the shelf, thinking about how to gain strength.

The transcendental path by which the empire seems to spread at the moment is the knight.

Cultivation Knight is a good choice.

But he also doesn't have the law of chivalry. The law of chivalry is generally passed down from generation to generation by nobles, and it is very precious.

Either make credit for the nobles, get the reward of practicing the chivalry law, or join an organization such as the army, or there may be a chivalry law, but these are not suitable for the current Eli.

Therefore, this path is directly rejected, so there is only one path for wizards.

And if, according to the content of the title page at that time, it seems that the author of the book looked down on the knight and called him inferior, weak, and ignorant extraordinary, does that mean that the strength of the wizard is more than that of the knight.

Well, actually he didn't have a choice at all.

In fact, compared to the knight training that requires a lot of medicinal materials and even money, it seems that the wizard method that only requires meditation at the beginning seems to be suitable for him, very poor.

However, judging from the books, it seems that a lot of money was consumed after that.

After all, how could the consumption of the master be lower than that of the knight!

"Eli, what are you thinking!"

Suddenly a voice came, Eli turned his head and saw Kate who was also wearing a small vest.

He had blond hair and the usual blue eyes, and he remembered being one of the librarians.

It is said that his grandfather used to be a baron, and then he committed a crime, their family was deprived of the noble seat, and then he came here after tossing around.

"It's okay, I just thought that there are so many books here, but I haven't read a few of them, so I feel a little melancholy." Eli and Kate were not very familiar with each other, so he was going to fool around.

Kate stroked her blond hair, her eyes stayed on the bookshelf for a few seconds, then turned towards Eli and nodded in agreement: "Indeed, I haven't read a few books."

Just as Eli was about to respond, he heard a sudden pause in Kate's tone, and then said, "Just read a few hundred books!"

Eli: …

He was going to take a random sentence, but the next sentence came here, how do you let me take it!

Although there seems to be no problem with this, Eli always felt a bit of a toothache, which was too Versailles.

But in my memory, Kate is such a person, always full of superiority. He either looks down on you, or is simply arrogant. How can I put it, just like Eli's previous life when he was in school.

All in all, a very Versailles man.

"Uh, Kate, I suggest you don't talk like that." Eli finally couldn't hold back and persuaded.

"Huh?" Kate asked in a questioning tone, as if she didn't understand what Eli meant.

"I mean, you speak well!" Eli's mouth twitched.

"Uh, no problem!" Kate was a little puzzled.

He looked at Eli, as if thinking of something, and then said: "How are you preparing for the test three months later, I heard that only two new librarians can stay in this test, and everyone else will leave."


what test?

Hearing this, Eli was a little stunned.

