MTL - Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge! - C.1388 uncooked rice cooked riceMar 08, 2023

MTL - Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

C.1388 uncooked rice cooked riceMar 08, 2023

Back then, Lu Yangxi and Bai Murong had also played the game together, but today's game is even more beautiful than the marriage proposal scene set in the game.

Moreover, Great God Bai and Yiqu Qingxi had special significance for Bai Murong and Pei Lianqiao.

This marriage proposal feast can be described as unique.

"Yangxi, why do you put so many sky lanterns?" Jing Linglong asked curiously. This is the first time she has participated in such a marriage proposal scene, and her heart is full of shock and envy.

"It looks good." Lu Yangxi replied without raising his head.

Jing Linglong kicked him in dissatisfaction, and Lu Yangxi cried out in pain, so he had to answer honestly and earnestly, "Kongming lantern, sky lantern, also known as a wishing lantern. Put a lantern, you can make a wish. In mythology, a sky lantern can make a wish. Floating to the sky, the wish can be seen by the gods and come true. Of course, we all know with modern technology that there are no gods in the sky, but putting sky lanterns is also a kind of good wish.”

"Obviously such a beautiful artistic conception was explained in a mess by you." Jing Linglong glanced at him with disgust, but when he looked at the sky lantern in his hand, his eyes became a little more special.

Lu Yangxi noticed her emotions and said with a smile, "Why, Miss Linglong makes a wish?"

"This is the sky lantern that blesses Murong and Forsythia together. What kind of wish do I make. And make a wish..." Jing Linglong laughed at herself, "My wish, such a small sky lantern, can't bear it."

Lu Yangxi touched his chin, "I think it's too small, then you wait, I'll go to Murong and ask, and I'll order a large number of sky lanterns for you to play with."

"Lu Yangxi." Jing Linglong raised her eyebrows and kicked him again.

Lu Yangxi got kicked again and got acquainted with Jing Linglong. He didn't hide his playful character, and said teasingly, "Fortunately, you escaped marriage because of your fierce temper, otherwise I would feel sympathy for Mu Huanyu."

"Want to die?" Jing Linglong slammed and almost kicked Lu Yangxi off the boat.

Poor Lu Yangxi was lying on the side of the boat, clutching the edge of the boat, and fell to the ground, sighing, "Domestic violence."



The water splashed everywhere, and it was really kicked off the lake.

Of course we couldn't film tonight, everyone gathered on Qianhu Island to celebrate Bai Murong's successful marriage proposal. And the marriage proposal video was also recorded, and the director of the crew decided to use this video to promote the Divine Realm movie.

Bai Murong also agreed. The whole world should know that Pei Lianqiao is his wife.

Everyone was so lively and noisy until midnight, Lu Yangxi and others went back one after another, and finally the two of them were left sitting on a boat by the lotus flower of Qiandao Lake, and the lake was rippling.

It's very similar to the scene in the game.

"When are we getting married?" Pei Lianqiao took Bai Murong's arm, blinking with watery eyes.

Facing him, she didn't hold back, she just really wanted to be with him.

"Wait for a showdown with Shao Yong this time, I will go to the Pei family to apologize to Jing, and ask Brother Pei and sister-in-law to marry me." Bai Murong looked at her, only her in his eyes, and he couldn't see anything else.

When Pei Lianqiao heard this, he beat him a few times, "What are you shouting, you call my parents brother and sister-in-law, what am I doing?"

Bai Murong curved the corners of her lips. So he had to take the blame and help his friend take care of his daughter, but he ended up taking care of his daughter-in-law, and he ran away irresponsibly three years ago. Presumably, the Pei Su and his wife had a lot of opinions on him.


sp; He is also ready to be tricked. Even if Pei Aochen beat him up, he wouldn't fight back.

"Let me tell you, do you and my dad know that it's called a year-end relationship? My dad and my grandfather Zeng are still friends. My grandfather Zeng liked my father and regarded him as a little friend. He likes his grandson-in-law the most. My father It must be the same, treat you as a little friend and the best son-in-law." Pei Lianqiao immediately appeared and said with a deflated mouth, "However, Xiao Bell is two years old, and my parents are definitely dissatisfied with you. Especially It's my brother, I said I'll see you and beat me once in the future. I'll beat him to death."

Bai Murong rubbed her little head, "Don't be afraid, your brother won't let you be a widow."

"Then I can't beat you. What if I break it?" Pei Lianqiao looked at him for a while, frowning and thinking hard, worried that he would be bullied by his own family.

She knew very well that her father was a big belly, and her mother, too, could eat people without spitting bones, and her brother, in short, no one in the family was easy to mess with. The second master has been missing for three years. This crime is a serious crime, and they will be sentenced to "death penalty" by them.

Suddenly, Pei Lianqiao flashed a flash of light, looked at Bai Murong and said excitedly, "Second Master, Second Master, I have a solution. Let's cut it first and then play it, raw rice and cooked rice!"

Bai Murong's deep eyes fell on her, and she curved her lips into a smile.

Three years ago, raw rice was cooked to maturity, and even the small bells came out.

"What are you laughing at, don't think about it! There are those unhealthy thoughts in your mind, and that's not what people told you." Pei Lianqiao knew what he was thinking when he saw his smile, gave him a coquettish look, and said , "What I'm saying is that let's go directly to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the certificate! I used to be underage, but now I'm old enough to get married. Let's get the certificate first, and my parents and brothers can't do anything to you. At most, teach you a few words."

Bai Murong felt warm in her heart.

If Pei Su and his wife were here, they would probably have to take her out and wake up.

They won't really make things difficult for Bai Murong, but let Bai Murong know that marrying their daughter is not an easy thing.

How could a woman send her to the door in such a hurry.

The family members made things difficult, just because the man didn't know how to cherish it.

But for Pei Forsythia, she loves him without any means, without playing hard to escape, without making herself look valuable, without telling him to cherish herself, without those scheming tricks in love, she only has a passion, such as Moths to the fire, three years ago, three years later, nothing has changed.

When it comes to falling in love with a male god, where do you still remember to grasp the proportions. She only loves him, and everything puts him first.

For someone like Bai Murong who is smart and intelligent and has experienced love scams, he would fall in love with Pei Forsythia probably because she gave him the purest love. Her love has no impurities, it is a clean and pure flame, and he is also caught in it, unable to extricate himself.

He protects her innocence, guards this love, and always spoils her like a little princess.

"Wife." Bai Murong stretched out her arms and embraced Pei Lianqiao, with a smile on her lips, "I'm hungry."

Pei Lianqiao was stunned for a moment, then worriedly said, "There seems to be no snacks on the boat, let's dock and go back to the hotel for a late night snack."

"No. Just cook." The next moment, his kiss covered him.

Pei Forsythia was pressed down by him, and when he felt someone's body was about to move, he understood, cooking rice, cooking rice with raw rice and cooked rice.

The second master is playing a hooligan again.

The night was getting darker, and only the water waves rippling in the lotus bushes became more and more intense, and an ambiguous sound came out.

