MTL - Go Legend - C.953 The ultimate showdown of the king's way against the overbearingMar 06, 2023

MTL - Go Legend

C.953 The ultimate showdown of the king's way against the overbearingMar 06, 2023

At almost 12 noon, Li Xiangping made a move, which was the 74th move in this game, and this move also reflected the core idea of ​​Li Xiangping in this game.

When he made that move, Li Xiangping was convinced that it was a good move!

When he played that move, Li Xiangping thought to himself: Although the dog is strong, he may not be knocked down by this move, but the ideas and spirit displayed by this move seem to be in the dog's Go game. Rarely.

In the research room next door, since Ke Shaoxia completely guessed Li Xiangping's move, he was explaining the specific meaning of this move to everyone.

"...Everyone see that there is a robbery on the top of the chessboard, and a star position and corner change has just been completed below the chessboard. This change was originally recognized as a slight loss of white, but I think now, Mr. Li must have played this way on purpose. This is also part of his overall conception. Let's take a closer look at the move that Mr. Li just made, an unresolved robbery, a change that has obviously lost money, whether it has passed the move of Mr. Li, and it is very cleverly connected. ah?"

Behind Ke Shaoxia, Gu Dali tilted his head and stared at Bai 74 on the chessboard. Well, since the rise of Ke Shaoxia, Dali seems to have completely stepped aside, and Ke Shaoxia has made him a 7-0 or 8-0 in his career. Now I stand behind Ke Shaoxia very consciously:

"Well, Xiang Ping's chess move...he made a fuss about the 4 cheap pieces that Doggo had just started? Are you going to use this area as a robbery?"

"Brother Gu is only half right. Teacher Li really regards this as a robbery, but if he only regards this move as a robbery, it would be too superficial."

Well, Ke Shaoxia really has a great personality. He even said that the big brother of the national Go team is superficial in public, but Gu Dali didn't bother to bother with him, so he asked directly:

"That's what you mean..."

Ke Shaoxia continued to praise Li Xiangping, but he seemed to be bragging:

"Why do I say that Mr. Li is really a genius idea today? Everyone knows that robbery in Go is usually divided into primary and secondary. The competition itself serves, but today's situation is completely different. Because of Mr. Li's chess move, he seems to be completely obsessed with the primary and secondary aspects of chess, which makes people confused whether it should focus on the robbery itself or whether it should be based on This robbery is the center of gravity.”

Hearing Ke Shaoxia say this, everyone turned around and replayed Li Xiangping's chess move, and found that it seemed to be true.

In fact, in a game of Go, there is actually only one criterion for judging “where is the center of gravity of the chessboard”:

That is where the value is greater, where should be the center of gravity of the chessboard.

And Li Xiangping's chess move just now seemed to give Mo Hu the center of gravity on this chessboard.

The robbery that appeared today is not the legendary "life-and-death robbery", which means that it is not a one-shot deal, and it is not a must to win. As long as there is enough exchange of interests, then the robbery can be completely abandoned.

And not only one party can give up, but both black and white are allowed to give up.

However, the value of the robbery itself is close to 20 games, so in the current global game of more than 70 moves, under normal circumstances, it will become the center of gravity of the global game.

[To tell the truth, I have been using Yeguo to read and update books recently, switching sources, and reading aloud tones, .yeguoyuedu can be used for both Android and Apple. 】

Now, because of Li Xiangping's white 74, the situation seems to have changed significantly.

He put on an aggressive stance of "eaten" the dog's 4 pieces, and regarded this as the first robbery he found, then the center of gravity on the chessboard seemed to shift—

You must know that the four pieces of the dog are in the middle of the chessboard. Of course, chess players with certain chess skills know that the pieces in the middle and the corners are usually different.

If you take 4 pieces in the corners, the value is basically fixed, either 10 or 12, and the number of pieces is usually not much different.

But the belly is different in the chessboard.

Whether you choose "beating food" or "snacks", the value in this may be far different. The smallest value may be 4 dried seeds, which is worth 8 meshes, but some "big eats" may reach 20 meshes or even more. many.

Li Xiangping just chose such a "big take" method. Of course, he can't hold black in one hand, but it is just right for him to use it as a robber—

The dog does not dare to respond now. Sure enough, if he eliminates his calamity now, he will gain about 20 meshes on the chessboard, but lose at least 25 meshes from the bottom of the chessboard to the middle of the belly.

This is a completely unequal exchange, so the dog cannot accept it.

But it is difficult for the dog to respond to the calamity.

Since there are only more than 70 hands, the entire chessboard is still relatively empty, so today's dogs don't have to worry about the more and more robbed materials.

Today's key question is: the 4 pieces that are now being targeted by Li Xiangping are originally cheap for the dog to start with, and in normal circumstances they are completely discardable.

It's good now, because of the existence of the robbery on the other side of the chessboard, and because of Li Xiangping's "big eating" posture, the dog should have played "first move cheaply", but now it has become a burden for black.

The most ingenious thing about this is that, if he normally attacked the 4 pieces, there is a point on the chessboard that looks like "urgent situation". In the normal attack sequence, Li Xiangping seems to be the first to grab that move.

But Li Xiangping's White 74 didn't play there, but aimed at the 4 pieces from a distance farther out.

Well, a chess proverb goes: The so-called enemy's main point is my main point. Since Li Xiangping has an "emergency point" and does not rob it, if that point is robbed by a dog, his 4 pieces will basically not be in danger of death or death. .

However, for such an "emergency place", Li Xiangping knew that the dog would definitely not do anything.

There is no other reason, because the exchange between the "urgent station" and Li Xiangping Bai 74 is a typical "inside and outside" exchange, and this exchange alone will cost at least 3 orders or more.

In addition, even if the dog grabs the "emergency place", it can ensure the safety of its 4 pieces, but it still cannot eliminate Li Xiangping's use of that part as a robbery.

Therefore, thinking about the problem from the perspective of a dog, such an "emergency" can't be robbed.

Because once you spend a move to play there, you will invisibly reduce your own stone rate, and once the stone rate is reduced, it will change from 4 pieces to 5 pieces, which is called "playing heavy" in Go.

The pity was originally used to "start cheap", but now because of a robbery, and because of Li Xiangping's "big eating", he has to deal with it first, but then heavier, then don't Said to be a dog, I am afraid that even the amateur master chess player can't stand it.

To sum up, the "emergency place" just looks beautiful, and Li Xiangping is sure that the dog will not attack.

But if the dog does not occupy that point, once it is robbed by Li Xiangping, that point plus the previous echo of Bai 74, the dog's 4 pieces suddenly feel breathless, and this piece of chess will be linked with the robbery. If so, then no matter how strong the three generations of dogs are, I am afraid that they will have to shed their skins if they don't die.

The above mentioned basically summarizes Li Xiangping's overall idea today.

And such an idea was born from his "Xingxian Erjian Low Clip".

And to tell the truth, even though the game of chess has not been finished today, Li Xiangping is not sure that he will win, but even now, he is proud of himself for having such an idea.

There is no other reason, because today's thinking is full of the wisdom of our Eastern philosophy, which is not possessed by dogs who advocate "overbearing".

Dogs pay attention to "you are a **** if you don't take advantage of it", just like some western countries in later generations, just like the "first move cheap" that dogs made before.

And Li Xiangping always believed that Go was invented by the Chinese people, and it is full of oriental wisdom, so chess played with oriental wisdom is the kingly way.

The way of kingship will surely defeat the overbearing!

Li Xiangping never doubted this.

It is precisely because of this that Li Xiangping is proud that he can be such an idea today.

In the research room next door, Ke Shaoxia spent about seven or eight minutes explaining the connotation of White's 74 move in detail. At this time, many talents were surprised:

Ke Shaoxia has been talking about it for so long, and he hasn't even waited for the dog's black 75.

Well, since this is already the 5th game, plus the game between Li Xiangping and the second generation dog, everyone watching the game already has considerable experience:

Once the dog takes the "long test" for more than 5 minutes, it usually encounters an unexpected move, and most of it will be a good move, which will cause its own winning rate to drop significantly.

That's not much to say. Now that there is a domestic "excellent art", everyone hurriedly took Li Xiangping's white 74 to walk the dog and see what the dog said.

As you can see, when "Exquisite Art" saw Li Xiangping's Bai 74, the displayed instant win rate really shook violently.

Li Xiangping's win rate for white has jumped 15 points from the original 42%, and now it has reached between 57% and 58%.

Everyone in the research room was smiling.

It's finally okay, because in the previous 4 games, Li Xiangping had the upper hand for a long time in the remaining 3 games except for the third game, which was "completely defeated". Before 100 moves, Li Xiangping used to have the advantage, so everyone is smiling now. , but also can not be called "overjoyed."

And the domestic Go AI can not only see the winning rate, but also demonstrate the next changes.

In the face of Li Xiangping's white hand 74, "Jingyi" thinks that the three generations of dogs can only choose to endure, that is, to grab the "emergency" first to ensure their own safety.

However, "Jingyi" also failed to help Black find a particularly good ideal map, so it has evolved to about 100 moves, and White's winning rate has remained above 55%.

At this time, the black 75 of "Afayuan" finally came.

After everyone saw this move clearly, they found out that there are still differences between dogs and dogs, and the current "excellent art" seems to be really inferior to "Afayuan".

Because "A Fa Yuan" did not choose that step of patience.

He chose a more dangerous and domineering move.

This game has also entered a new stage because of this move by Ah Fayuan.

Go Legend

