MTL - Go Legend - C.956 The dust settles in the final showdownMar 06, 2023

MTL - Go Legend

C.956 The dust settles in the final showdownMar 06, 2023

The time is approaching 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and this highly anticipated human-machine final confrontation has been going on for nearly 5 hours.

At this time, Li Xiangping had already entered the countdown, but the dog still had more than an hour, and this game of chess finally ushered in the final decisive moment.

The atmosphere in the research room is now extremely tense, and everyone is holding their breaths to watch the last close-to-body fight between Li Xiangping and the dog.

Yes, when the competition is down to this level, it is now appropriate to use the description "close to hand".

In the face of the last war on the chessboard, things like "big game" and "realm" are useless now. What is useful now is calculation, will, and the accuracy of chess.

Well, now with the help of AI, everyone can still see the current situation clearly because of the "excellent art" developed by Goose Factory.

Everyone not only knows that "Jingyi" has always believed that Li Xiangping's white chess situation is dominant.

And through the dismantling of "Exquisite Art", everyone has also understood that the "depth bomb" before "A Fayuan", its real intention is not to play chess locally, but to "abandon the child to shape" there.

It is precisely because everyone knows this that everyone is worried about Li Xiangping.

One of the reasons for worry: First of all, the dog's chess move is indeed a good chess game. The dog was looking for such a robbery at that time. What does this mean? Thinking of giving birth to a big official in a part-

You must know that tactics such as "abandoning a piece" are quite common in Go. For example, for some intermediate or even primary Guanzi questions, the teacher tells you to "break" a move in it first, and then through such means, you can often Take advantage of some officials.

And that kind of "break" is actually a kind of "discarded piece". By discarding the "break" piece, you can often get several cheap moves.

Dog today's black 123, the principle is actually the same as the "break" just mentioned.

The only difference between the two is that today's dog's tactics are more subtle, more complicated, and more difficult to deal with.

If it is regarded as a topic, those who "break" are at most beginner to intermediate level, and amateur chess players must master it.

And the dog's hand is black 123, which is a suitable high-level professional level. Even if the top professional high-level level is a little careless, it may not be able to solve this problem for one or two hours.

And the above is precisely the second one that everyone is worried about for Li Xiangping.

Because that move was quite confusing, if Li Xiangping never understood the real intention of that move, he might just guard against the opponent's live move——

Once Li Xiangping really does that, then according to the follow-up changes shown by "Exquisite Art", Li Xiangping can only be fooled like this. Although it will not be reversed, the situation between the two sides will be extremely subtle, and the outcome is likely to be at hand. swing between.

Not only that, but according to another change revealed by "Exquisite Art", even if Li Xiangping is not fooled, he can clearly realize that this is the dog's "abandoned child stereotype" during the game, but the entire prevention process must be extraordinarily careful. .

If you make a mistake in the middle, of course, everything will not be mentioned, and even if Li Xiangping is completely right, all the moves are consistent with the "excellent art", and in the end, you can only win half of it.

Of course everyone knows that Li Xiangping has entered the countdown.

Well, although Li Xiangping's fast chess is also famous, he is even considered to be a stronger existence than his slow chess.

But it was only in the confrontation at the level of human professional chess players, and the intensity was definitely not comparable to today.

In the face of dog-level intensity confrontation, can Li Xiangping still show his level of "quick chess fairy"?

Nobody is confident about that.

Judging from Li Xiangping's performance in the previous 4 games, everyone found that in this intensity of confrontation, his countdown skills still have to be greatly reduced.

It's just that everyone didn't know that when Li Xiangping heard that his plug-in mentioned "Dang Lake Eight", he was completely sober.

Not only that, but after entering the countdown today, Li Xiangping felt that his mind was unusually clear and his thoughts were unusually flexible. In just one minute, he even had time to make a new judgment on the situation. --

At this time, Li Xiangping still didn't know that if "Exquisite Art" thought that he was completely right, White would win this game by about half an eye.

But Li Xiangping's judgment is different. He is obviously more optimistic. He thinks that if the dog has no other means, the black chessboard has only 3 eyes, that is, he will win about 3 and a half eyes.

Which is the "old art" and "new art" right?

Half an hour later, at about 3:30 p.m. BJ time, when the game reached over 150 hands, the answer was immediately revealed.

And in the watching room at this time, everyone doesn't have to worry about Li Xiangping being confused, because judging from his recent series of moves, Li Xiangping was not fooled.

Not only was he not fooled, but even in the last dozen or so rounds, every piece he landed on the board was exactly the same as the move recommended by "Jingyi".

However, at 3:30, when the dog had just dropped a chess piece, it was the 159th move in the overall situation, but Li Xiangping's 160th move was different from the recommendation of "Exquisite Art".

That move was amazing!

That is a foolish move!

That move may have reached the critical point of complexity of today's "excellent art", so it is considered to be beyond the general existence of dog moves.

And when Li Xiangping made that move, there was an episode in the game room that no one else knew about.

That is, when Li Xiangping reached out to the chess box and was about to take out a chess piece, Lao Shi suddenly spoke:

"Hey! Little friend Xiangping, I found that I don't need a tip at this time. The stupid "Tuan" seems to be a better choice."

Li Xiangping laughed at that time.

is that kind of "knowing" smile like a flower.

That's right, the "tuan" that Lao Shi said was the final winning move in this round.

Although the chess shape of this move is particularly ugly, I made a "gathering four" locally, but because it is in my own space, it doesn't matter that the chess shape is ugly.

And today, that doesn't matter at all.

The important thing is that after having this highly practical play, especially compared with the "small tip" that most professional chess players feel first.

Such an idiotic "Gathering Four" can avoid being scratched by dogs.

These 2 moves are decisive.

Or simply put, this "gathering of four" is decisive.

With this existence beyond a dog's trick, Li Xiangping is sure that he has already held victory in the palm of his hand, and even if "A Fayuan" has the ability to penetrate the sky and the earth, he cannot escape the fate of defeat today.

But this is not Li Xiangping's happiest.

What makes him even happier today is that the original "group" was discovered when he was judging the situation before.

I didn't expect that at this time, Lao Shi, who was a cheater, found out in time, which made Li Xiangping feel at the time that "A Fa Yuan" really did not lose today.

Because at that moment, the "two swords combined" between myself and Lao Shi should have reached the peak, truly reaching the point of killing people and killing dogs.

"Brother Ding'an, you are still the best. If it wasn't for your reminder, today's dog slaughtering might have taken a lot of trouble..."

After Li Xiangping told a joke-like lie to the plug-in, he took out a chess piece and patted that hand on the chessboard very lightly but firmly.

This is the final hand that decides the outcome!

When    this move was first spread to the viewing room, there was an uproar.

It’s just that when everyone savored the move carefully and counted all the subsequent changes, all the uproar turned into admiration.

The head coach of the national team, Yu Bin, rushed in front of "Jingyi" for the first time, wanting to see the instant winning percentage displayed by Jueyi.

Yu Jiuduan saw at that time: The dog showed that Black's winning rate dropped sharply, from the previous 159 moves, there were still more than 30%, and now it has dropped to less than 10%.

At this time, everyone knew that Li Xiangping had won!

He subdued the powerful "A Fa Yuan" with a score of 3 to 2 in Wufanqi, completing a feat like a mantis blocking the car.

Maybe it was to leave a complete chess score. Knowing that the overall situation was decided, Dr. Huang mentioned the dog conscientiously and collected the last official piece.

Then he was the first to congratulate Li Xiangping.

But the reporters at the door were already impatient, and those with sharp eyes saw Dr. Huang reaching out to Li Xiangping, but they couldn't care about anything else, and rushed in and surrounded Li Xiangping's group.

Of course, everyone knows very well that the progress of human technology is unstoppable. Li Xiangping can stop the car once, but it is unlikely that he will come again.

But no one cares about that now.

Because such a victory is precious, Li Xiangping, who brought such a victory to mankind, deserves all the applause at this time.

However, everyone soon noticed that after winning, Li Xiangping didn't seem to have regained his senses. He was still staring at the chessboard in front of him, thinking and dazed.

So everyone was very understanding and didn't bother him, except that they didn't listen to take pictures, but no one asked questions for the time being.

"...Brother Ding'an, are you really leaving soon? I can't bear it, can't I stay a little longer?"

"Hey, I'm sorry, little friend Xiangping, I can't bear it either, but for this game, Miss Xiuqin borrowed a lot of True Yuan from me. She's not doing well right now, I have to rush to her side to take care of her right now. she."

"Oh, like this, then... Then I won't force you to stay, but Ding'an brother, if you and I parted today, will there be a day to meet again in the future?"

"It's hard to say,"

Lao Shi smiled and said to Li Xiangping:

"Originally, according to the original plan, I needed to get along with you for 18 years. Now I have only left for 17 years. I think we should have a fate of about a year. Xiaoyou Xiangping, you don't mean to hope that the real chess **** will be free. Are we Chinese coming to create? I look forward to your prompting the advent of our Chinese chess gods as soon as possible. If there is such a day, I may come to you, and let’s go to appreciate the style of the real chess gods.”

Li Xiangping said in surprise: "Really, that's a word."

"A word is settled."

