MTL - Hogwarts: I Am Such a Model Wizard - C.10 CedricApr 07, 2024


Chapter 10 Cedric

After Kyle got on the bus, the first few carriages were basically full of people.

There is no way, who told him to get stuck in the car? It is not easy to find an empty seat at this time.

Kyle carried his luggage with the levitating spell and walked all the way to the end before finally finding a fairly spacious compartment at the rear of the train.

There is only one boy in this carriage, who is about the same age as him. His appearance... although not as good as his own, is much better than the two Weasley twins.

“Bang bang…”

Kyle knocked on the carriage door and asked politely: "Hello, can I sit here? All other places are full."

“Of course, just sit down.” The man said quickly.


After entering the car, Kyle first put the luggage on the storage rack, and then extended his hand to the other party.

“Hello, I am this year’s freshman, Kyle Joba.”

The man seemed to be thinking about something and did not respond immediately. After he reacted, he quickly reached out and said: "Oh... I'm sorry, Cedric Diggory, a second-year student at Hogwarts."


Kyle was a little surprised. He didn't expect to meet an "acquaintance" as soon as he got on the train. He was the future warrior of Hogwarts. No wonder he was so handsome.

Kyle remembered that his family also lived near the village of St. Catchpol, but for various reasons, the two had never met.

Not once.

Kyle also went to see him a few times in the beginning, but the door to Diggory's house was always closed, and Kyle gave up over time.

Unexpectedly, the first time the two met was on the train...

However, Kyle seemed to have something on his mind, so he didn't say anything more. After a brief greeting, he took out the "Common Spells and Solutions" he bought from Flourish and Blotts Bookstore and started reading.

The other person continues to be in a daze.

It didn’t know when it started to rain lightly outside the car window. It has always been like this here, the rain always comes at any time without any warning.

Kyle raised his head and glanced out the window, but didn't pay attention. He had long been used to it, and he also quite liked reading in this environment.

Under Kyle's influence, Cedric stopped being in a daze. He also took out a book and read it. The cover should be "Dark Power: Self-Defense Guide".

It is completely normal for Hogwarts students to preview Defense Against the Dark Arts on the train before school starts.

After all, no one knows how long the professor of this course will be able to last this year. What if he is exhausted after two classes, so it is always good to preview in advance.

For a while, the only sound left in the carriage was the sound of parchment being turned, which was in stark contrast to the noise outside the corridor.

But this situation did not last long.

 Cedric had not finished reading two pages when the door of the carriage was opened again.

“Finally found you, Kyle.”

“We deliberately left a place for you, but you let us go and let us wait until now.”

“I think you should apologize to us.”

Fred and George leaned against the door, each questioning Kyle.

And the expressions of both of them were quite angry, as if Kyle had done something outrageous.

“I can apologize.”

Kyle calmly closed the book in his hand and said, "But the prerequisite is that you must swear to the big **** to prove that what you just said is true."

In an instant, the anger on Fred's face turned into entanglement: "Well, can I swear in the name of the principal?"

The same goes for George: "Or Professor McGonagall."

"No!" Kyle shook his head: "It can only be a big dung egg."

“Oh, George, I think it was Kyle’s first time riding the Hogwarts Express and he was unfamiliar with this place, so he didn’t find us.”

“Yes Fred, we can’t blame him, we should pay more attention to what’s going on outside.”

The twins looked at each other, tacitly ignored what they had just said, and squeezed into the car as if nothing happened.

Inevitably, they also saw Cedric.

Fred showed a wicked smile and said: "Look who this is, why can't I remember it."

George raised his eyebrows and said, "Of course it's our good boy from Hogwarts, Mr. Cedric Diggory, the Light of Hufflepuff."

As soon as the two of them finished speaking, Cedric's face turned red. Those embarrassing prefixes almost made him punch a hole in the train because of his embarrassment.

But he had no way to refute.

Because the titles "Good Boy" and "Light of Hufflepuff" were passed down from his father, in just one summer vacation, basically everyone in the Ministry of Magic already knew him.

Including their families, of course.

So during this summer vacation, almost half of the letters Cedric received had their signatures changed to Hufflepuff Light.

The remaining half are classmates from Muggle families and they don’t know about it.

It was precisely because of this incident that he deliberately chose the corner car. Unexpectedly, he was discovered, and they were the two most troublesome people.

"Please, let me go!" Cedric clasped his hands together in a begging gesture: "I can lend you my homework."

As he spoke, a stack of parchment was placed on the table.

The twins originally wanted to joke a little more, but unfortunately the price offered by the other party was too high.

That is the first assignment in grade!

George's expression was straightened, he quickly held the parchment in his arms, and said seriously: "What are you talking about, Cedric? Of course we know this is not what you meant, it was just a joke."

"That's right." Fred nodded and said, "Don't worry, we won't laugh at you because of this."

Fred and George left with smiles on their faces, looking as if they had picked up galleons.

As soon as they left, Cedric breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Kyle with some embarrassment: "Sorry, I..."

“I should be the one to apologize.” Kyle interrupted him and said, “After all, they came to find me, otherwise you wouldn’t have been discovered.”

Cedric smiled bitterly and shook his head: "It's a matter of sooner or later."

He could hide on the train, but not when he got to Hogwarts. He always had to face it, it was just a matter of time.

In addition, the sudden appearance of the Weasley brothers is not a bad thing, because they let Cedric see a way to solve the problem.

That’s homework.

As the number one in the grade, his summer homework is still very popular, which can be seen from the reaction of the Weasley brothers just now. Therefore, there should be no problem in using homework to silence the two houses of Hufflepuff and Gryffindor.

As long as we can control them, this matter will basically be 80% solved.

As for Ravenclaw and Slytherin... Judging from the personalities of these two houses, they probably won't join in the fun, at least most people won't, and even if there are a few occasionally, it won't hurt.

As long as the people in your own house don't make noises and there are no energetic lions from Gryffindor involved, this matter will be over within three days at most.

It’s only three days, very fast.

Thinking about it this way, Cedric suddenly felt that things weren't that bad after all.

(End of this chapter)

